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Systèmes : Novell annonce son soutient à Google Chrome OS

Le , par Marc Lussac


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NOVELL annonce son soutien à Google Chrome OS

Nombreux sont les acteurs de l’open source à saluer l’annonce de l’OS Google Chrome, qui conforte la pertinence de l’utilisation de Linux tant dans le monde de l’entreprise que pour les particuliers.

Novell se joint à ce mouvement, et rappelle que ce projet viendra renforcer une série de produits open source existants développés autour du noyaux Linux.

Novell développe d’ores et déjà de nombreux produits pour mettre à la disposition de tous les avantages de Linux, notamment avec des projets tels que le déploiement de SLED sur plus de 20 000 postes de travail chez PSA, ou sa participation au développement de Moblin (la distribution Linux orientée netbooks), initié par Intel, déjà disponible.

Le commentaire de Novell sur le blog de John Dragoon - Chief Marketing Officer – Novell

Announced yesterday to much fanfare, Google Chrome OS is an open source, lightweight operating system that will, according to the company, initially be targeted at netbooks. The software architecture is very simple: a new windowing system on top of a Linux kernel. You have a bit of a wait though as according to Google, the Chrome OS won’t be available for at least a year.

We are encouraged and applaud Google’s commitment to promote and use Linux and open source technologies in their planned operating system announcement for consumers. As others have noted, we believe this further validates that Linux is not only enterprise ready, but consumer ready as well.

Fortunately, customers will not need to wait to take advantage of the security, flexibility and cost advantages of using Linux on personal computers: Novell’s SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop has been delivering these benefits for years. Longstanding customers like the French car company PSA Peugeot, which has over 20,000 desktops running SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop, have had great success and realized substantial cost savings running Linux.

The Google announcement may sound familiar in another way. If imitation is indeed the sincerest form of flattery, then Google Chrome OS is a tremendous validation of Moblin, the Intel-led, Linux-based operating system designed specifically for next generation netbooks. Moblin is already seeing support from major netbook manufacturers, and Moblin is available now.

While Google’s gravitas generates plenty of conversation and their planned entry into the consumer operating system environment is indeed news, we welcome the addition of another technology industry leader joining the cause for promoting Linux as the operating system of choice.

Lire aussi
Google annonce Chrome Operating System

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Le 17/07/2009 à 14:33
C'est une bonne Novell.
Désolé du flood.
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