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Le rachat est effectif, et ceci pour un montant de 362 millions de dollars (+ 58 millions de dollars de stock options).
Communiqué de presse
10/08/2009D'habitude c'est SpringSource qui surprend avec la spontanéité de ses rachats. Et voila la société qui n'a pas cessé de grimper qui signe un protocole d'accord avec VMware pour un rachat par ce dernier, rachat qui fera de
SpringSource une division de VMware.
Quel intérêt pour VMware de racheter un pure SoftWare player en apparence ?
En un mot : le
Cloud ou encore la simplification de l'infrastructure informatique au niveau de ce qu'on appelle PaaS (Platform As A Service). La combinaison du
Build, Run, Manage de SpringSource, avec les produits de virtualisation
VMWare vCenter et
VMWare vSphere vers le produit
vCloud et concept
vApp déjà initiés par VMWare
En effet, les 2 leaders que sont Rod Johnson et Steve Herrod se rejoignent dans leurs communiqués respectifs pour présenter l'avenir qu'ils se proposent de construire via ce rachat : avant tout, les business et offres respectifs sont complémentaires, donc pas de disparition à craindre

Pour ce qui est de la communauté Spring et la participation de SpringSource à de nombreux projets OpenSource, Rod Johnson affirme que cela continuera. Et bien sur ce rachat ne remet pas du tout en question la
conférence SpringOne 2GX à venirQuelques morceaux choisis :

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Working together with VMware we plan on creating a single, integrated, build-run-manage solution for the data center, private clouds, and public clouds. A solution that exploits knowledge of the application structure, and collaboration with middleware and management components, to ensure optimal efficiency and resiliency of the supporting virtual environment at deployment time and during runtime. A solution that will deliver a Platform as a Service (Paas) built around technologies that you already know, which can slash cost and complexity. A solution built around open, portable middleware technologies that can run on traditional Java EE application servers in a conventional data center and on Amazon EC2 and other elastic compute environments as well as on the VMware platform.

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Encore Rod
Combined with VMware’s vSphere and other cloud-enabling technologies, we can innovate in frameworks and infrastructure to deliver a joined up experience. SpringSource application frameworks, servers and management software can give the VMware platform eyes and ears throughout the stack, allowing it to apply its uniquely advanced ability to migrate workloads and manage VMs for maximum efficiency and minimal hardware resource cost. SpringSource rapid development frameworks and tooling can provide developers with the ability to move from code to cloud in minutes. All of this with the quality you can expect from both companies, and the ease of use you can depend on from Spring technologies.
SpringSource was exciting as an independent company. VMware is probably the most exciting enterprise software company today. The two together have amazing potential.

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One key difference between our offerings and existing offerings will be centered on choice. By severing the tentacles that today tie what you want to run to where you want to run it, VMware can provide the benefits of PaaS, but with significantly more customer choices. Combined SpringSource/VMware PaaS offering can be hosted at customer datacenters or at external service providers. For example, customers can achieve many of the efficiencies and developer productivity gains of PaaS without requiring the applications to be run outside of their walls. Today’s PaaS offerings often force you to simultaneously commit to both a programming model and to a vendor who will host the applications written to this model. With VMware’s strategy, any vendor in the vCloud ecosystem will be able to offer a SpringSource-based PaaS offering, allowing customers to select the partner that best suits their changing needs.
Effet de surprise ? Que pensez vous de cette stratégie à l'heure ou on se remet encore tout juste de la saga Sun Microsystems, IBM et Oracle ?
Les communiqués émis par les 2 sociétés :
SpringSource: Chapter Two, par Rod Johnson CEO SpringSource
VMware acquires SpringSource, par Steve Herrod CTO et VP R&D VMwareMessage initial enrichi par la rédaction
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